Artwork Location: Türkiye
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Who is Pınar Kuseyri; (1968-Kayseri) Originally from Adana, the artist was born in Kayseri in 1968 as the child of a soldier father. The artist started drawing carpet and rug motifs at a young age. After her primary and secondary education, she received economics education. In 2001, she started to develop herself artistically by taking pattern lessons from experienced teachers in her field. Later, she worked in pastel, watercolor, acrylic and oil painting. In 2009, she started Japanese watercolor painting lessons, graduated from the highest Dan (kur) and gave lessons in this subject. She completed her Master's Degree with a thesis and received a "Certificate of Honor" from Yeditepe University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Plastic Arts. She received training in lithography, natural paper making, ecoprint printing, ceramics, sculpture, glass fusion, wood printing, photography and art history. She participated in many personal and mixed exhibitions. She participated and continues to participate in international workshops and international exhibitions with important professors in art history. He continues his work in his studios in Istanbul and Bodrum. Art Perspective; In his paintings, the artist paints on canvas, paper, wood and various materials, using ink, acrylic and oil paint, in a completely spontaneous and expressive way. He works without using any visuals, with brush strokes, in a spot-on manner. In his paintings, he reflects the visuals in his memory and his impressions of nature, where he lives. Everything that belongs to nature is the details in his paintings. According to artist Pınar Kuseyri; there is no perfection or truth in art, the artist must constantly observe nature and the place he lives in and improve himself. After all, painting is Pınar Kuseyri's purpose in life and nature offers endless resources for his paintings.
Cevriye Özgezer
Gül Aksoy
Kayhan Aybatlı