Organized by the Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ATSO), the 'Another Antalya 2' Art Workshop brings together the masters of contemporary Turkish painting and carries the city's historical and cultural values to the future through art.
The press launch of the 'Another Antalya 2' art workshop organized by Antalya Culture and Arts (AKS), operating under the ATSO Education Research and Culture Foundation, was hosted by ATSO Board Chairman Yusuf Hacısüleyman. In the workshop to be held between December 7-12, important names of contemporary Turkish painting will reinterpret Antalya. The workshop, which was held with the participation of artists such as Atilla Atar, Beril Anılanmert, Ekrem Kahraman, İrfan Dönmez, Mehmet Tüzüm Kızılcan, Su Yücel, Şeniz Aksoy, Tansel Türkdoğan, Yalçın Gökçebağ and Zehra Çobanlı, aims to convey Antalya's historical, cultural and traditional values to future generations through works of art. The workshop was curated by Prof. Mustafa Ağatekin, and the event draws attention with its emphasis on a 'sustainable cultural future'.
ATSO Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Hakan Pakalın, Board Treasurer Member Murat Totoş, ATSO Education Research and Culture Foundation Vice Chairman and ATSO Assembly Member Ömer Gilan, Kilit Group Board Member Pelin Kilit Hüner, art lovers and members of the press attended the press launch. The workshop continued with a workshop tour that provided the opportunity to observe the artists' work production process. The event is considered one of the important steps taken for Antalya to become a regional center in the field of contemporary art.
Yusuf Hacısüleyman stated that the workshop, the first of which was organized in 2023 under the leadership of the late ATSO President Ali Bahar, created an important cultural inventory for Antalya and expressed that they wanted to make the event a tradition. Hacısüleyman thanked the artists and sponsors and said, “This intellectual work initiated by our esteemed president and my brother Ali Bahar was very valuable in terms of strengthening Antalya’s place in the field of art. Although we have not yet established a contemporary art museum, we continue our efforts to establish a contemporary art gallery," he said.
Reminding that Antalya Culture and Art was established in 2013 with the support of business people in Antalya, Hacısüleyman stated that art lovers were hosted in the space that was used as the ATSO building in the past. Stating that they received great interest with events such as the 'Frida Kahlo's Diaries' exhibition, Hacısüleyman said that the exhibition, which hosted 22 thousand visitors in just 1 month, strengthened Antalya's identity as a city of culture and art.
Drawing attention to the fact that Antalya is a city known for its historical richness, Hacısüleyman emphasized that important steps have been taken in the field of contemporary arts, and said, "Perhaps we want to expand our physical possibilities by having a second building and realize the dream of a contemporary art museum. All great journeys start with a small step; we are also progressing on this path."
Exhibition Curator Prof. Mustafa Ağatekin stated that they have expanded the scope of the workshop and said the following:
“This year, 10 valuable artists working in the fields of painting and ceramics are coming together. We aim to create an ‘Antalya Collection’ with the works produced by our artists during the workshop. We believe in the importance of highlighting art and culture in the promotion of Antalya. Last year, our artists drew attention to the importance of a contemporary art museum. I believe that the workshop will be an important step on the path to such a museum, and it will be an inspiring process for both us and Antalya.”