
  • Who is Cemil Arslan? (1989 – Ankara) Born in Ankara in 1989. Studied at Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, Faculty of Fine Arts between 2020-2022, and at Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting between 2022-2025. He participated in many mixed and group exhibitions and took part in social responsibility projects. He received important awards in national and international painting and art competitions. His works are in Mersin Municipality Contemporary Arts Museum and Istanbul Technical University Museum. He continues his work in his studio in Van. Art Perspective; In the complex and rapidly changing world of the 21st century, reality is no longer a tangible, fixed structure, but is becoming blurry and losing its meaning. As individuals living in this postmodern world, we no longer encounter the pure form of reality, but its distorted, reproduced, manipulated versions, living in a hyperreal simulation. I also encourage people to question not only the reality that the eye sees but also the reality that the mind tries to create by producing my works mostly in a realistic and hyperrealistic style. In my works, the viewer is invited to walk on that fine line between reality and simulation.

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