Who is Handan Çetin? In the works of Handan Çetin, the painter of the paintings that show us as children, it is necessary to pay attention to what the painter is describing, not what he is painting. Those who pay attention to this will immediately notice the uniqueness of the expression of a universal human condition in Handan Çetin's paintings. So, when Handan Çetin talks about children, she is talking about our childhood, that is, us. This creates an unexpected empathy between the painting and the audience. There are children on stage in Handan Çetin's paintings, but this is not a naive childish expression. When you take a second look at these pictures, you realize how far the pictorial language of expression is from being a child's official language and how advanced it is in painting. The visual language used to describe children's behavior immediately removes them from the naive category. This means that the painter is not after a pleasantness or a 'childish' sensitivity. Anyone who has entered the world of painting knows how difficult it is to create a sophisticated painting and make it fun at the same time. It was the quiet serenity in Handan Çetin's paintings that attracted me in the first place. The "child" image in its pure purity. A kind of return to childhood, a psycho-analytical power of regression and the perception of innocence created by the game world. In addition to the effects we can see when we look through the eyes of the audience, we can notice the grasping power of the soft and compassionate tones of colors with a competent attitude in the plastic sense.