
  • Who is Mustafa Haykir? We have chronologically prepared the educational and professional life of Mustafa Haykır, who participated in dozens of personal and group exhibitions. EDUCATION 2003-2010 - PhD program. Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Fine Arts Education, Art Teaching. 2000-2003 - Master's degree. Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Fine Arts Education, Art Teaching. 1991 - 1995 - Undergraduate Education. Gazi University, Faculty of Education, Department of Art Education. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2023 - .... Trakya University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting, Prof.Dr. He continues to work as a lecturer with the title. 2017 - 2023 Assoc. Prof. at Trakya University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting. Dr. title of lecturer. 2011-2017 Trakya University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Assistant at the Department of Painting. Assoc. Dr. title of lecturer. 2005-2011 Painting Teacher at Edirne Anatolian Fine Arts High School. 1995-2005 Art Teaching in Schools Affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. PERSONAL EXHIBITIONS 2022 “New-Comment/PortREtro” Quintessence Art Gallery. Edirne. 2021 “But They Are Cool at Home” Osman İnci Museum Art Gallery, Edirne. 2018 “Others and Empathy” Yolo Art&Lounge. Izmir. 2016 “Portraits” Plovdiv Cultural Institute Plovdiv. Bulgaria. 2016 “Dialectic” Tekirdağ State Fine Arts Gallery. Tekirdağ. 2015 “Mythological Archetypes” Prof.Dr. Gültaç Özbay Art Gallery. Kırklareli. 2014 “Leda and the Swan” Plovdivli Artists Union Exhibition Hall. Plovdiv. Bulgaria. 2000 Asmalımescit Art Gallery. Istanbul. 1998 State Fine Arts Gallery. Van. 1998 Ankara Painting and Sculpture Museum Sedat Simav-i Art Gallery. Ankara. 1997 State Fine Arts Gallery. Gaziantep. 1997 State Fine Arts Gallery. Diyarbakir. 1996 State Fine Arts Gallery. Çankırı. 1996 State Fine Arts Gallery. Bilecik. 1996 State Fine Arts Gallery. Sinop. 1996 State Fine Arts Gallery. Van.

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