Who is Eren Eyüboğlu? (1907- Romania – 1988 Istanbul)
Eren Eyüboğlu, who traveled all over Turkey and reflected the lifestyle of the Anatolian people by combining folkloric features with plastic elements on his canvases, brought contemporary interpretations to his themes. Eren Eyüboğlu’s life story full of success is as follows;
He started his first works by taking private painting lessons during his secondary school years. He studied painting at the Romanian Academy of Fine Arts. After finishing school in 1929, he went to Paris. He was a student of André Lhote at the Julian Academy for four years. During this time, he studied the works of Monet and Cezzane. He worked on reproductions from them. She married Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu, a painting artist like herself, whom she met in Paris in 1930, and returned to Istanbul in 1936. The two painting artists traveled all over Turkey, where they started living as spouses, and reflected the lifestyle of the Anatolian people on their canvases by combining folkloric features with plastic elements. He joined Group D together with Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu. The artist, who played an important role in the activities of the community, dealt with subjects related to Anatolian people and natural life with his abstractionist and Expressionist view in his paintings.
In the 1950s, he moved away from detail in his works, thanks to the copies he made of master painters such as Picasso and Braque; He gravitated towards simplicity, rhythmic line and exciting, enthusiastic color harmony. Despite her husband Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu’s embroidery style, her tendency to use plastic elements in achieving local expressions prevailed. Eyüboğlu, who gave a contemporary interpretation to his themes, also painted paintings with mythological themes such as Three Beauties and Four Beauties.
It is understood from the mosaic panels he created for Ankara Etibank in 1956, 4. Levent Residential Walls in 1957, Ankara Children’s Hospital and Cerrahpaşa Hospital in 1978, and Haydarpaşa Chest Diseases Hospital in 1979, that he also worked on mosaics in addition to painting. Eren Eyüboğlu, who left behind many works of art, died in Istanbul in 1988.
He traveled around Anatolia with his wife as part of the Country Tours. He was impressed by the cultural riches, folklore and people of the Anatolian geography. He was caught up in the excitement of cultural nationalism, seeking his identity in Anatolia in the 1930s.
He reinforced the geometricized cubist, constructivist structuralism in his paintings with the copies he made of Matisse, Picasso and Braque while he was in Paris in 1950.
Among the mosaic mural applications he made with Bedri Rahmi both at home and abroad, Ankara Etibank (1953), 4. Levent residential walls (1956-1957), Hacettepe University Children's Hospital (1955), Hacettepe Hospital (1954-1955), Brussels World Fair Turkish Pavilion. mosaics (1957), mosaic panels he made for Istanbul Drapers Site (1963-1965), Cerrahpaşa (1978) and Haydarpaşa Chest Diseases Hospital (1979).