Who is Mehmet Ali Doğan? (1970 – Elazığ)
He was born in Elazığ in 1970. He studied at the Primary School, Middle School and Industrial Vocational High School Lathe Leveling Department in Karadeniz Ereğli. He opened his first personal exhibition at the Ereğli Community Center at the age of 19. The paintings in the exhibition consisted of reproduction works of famous painters who interested him the most and watercolor and oil paintings inspired by nature. He won the Painting Department of Hacettepe University, Faculty of Fine Arts in 1991. He graduated from Prof. M. Zahit Büyükişleyen workshop as the first in the workshop in 1995. He received training on printing techniques during his education at Prof. Hasan Pekmezci original printing workshop. He has opened 31 personal exhibitions in Turkey and abroad to date. He participated in many mixed events, competitive exhibitions, art fairs, jury membership in competitions and workshops. The artist, who received seven awards in national competitions, attaches particular importance to the application of original printing techniques and wall paintings. He applied 984 m2 of exterior wall painting in his own style at the Anadolu Show Center in Ankara, but the building was demolished due to disagreements with local governments. The artist, who started teaching children in 1993 at the Ankara State Fine Arts Gallery, later provided artistic education for Fine Arts Faculties and High Schools for years. He opened the T.C. M.E.B. Private Mehmet Ali Doğan Art House, which he founded in 2001, and continues to provide education to young people with dedication. To date, he has contributed to the start of academic education of over two thousand young people. In 2020, he completed his master’s degree in the Department of Art and Design at the Çankırı Karatekin University Fine Arts Institute due to his interest in the field of Textiles. The subject of his thesis is ”Application of Abstract Paintings Made with Lines and Geometric Forms to Textile Surfaces”. Mehmet Ali DOĞAN, who has constructed his entire life with Art, continues his work in his private workshop in Ankara. The artist, whose works are in public institutions and organizations, museums and private collections, is a member of U.P.S.D. member and after serving in the association management for 6 years in the United Painters and Sculptors Association (B.R.H.D.), he unanimously served as the association President for two terms between 2012-2016. He has realized many projects as the idea of the ARTANKARA fair and the idea and implementer of the ARTMEYDAN project. While he is currently working as an Art Consultant of Halk Bank with his teacher Prof. Hasan PEKMEZCİ, he continues his artistic works in his studio as a freelance along with the restoration works.
Personal Exhibitions
1989-Ereğli Community Center –Kdz. EREĞLİ
1996-Ankara State Fine Arts Gallery
1998- Burgaz Graphic Biennial Original Print-BULGARIA
2001-Ankara State Fine Arts Gallery
2002-Ankara State Fine Arts Gallery
2003-National Lottery Art Gallery- ANKARA
2004-Gallery Sans -ANKARA
2004-Anadolu Agency Art Gallery in Ankara
2006-State Fine Arts Gallery- Kastamonu Pictures- KASTAMONU
2006-Zonguldak Karaelmas University
2006-Ziraat Bank Tünel Art Gallery -ISTANBUL
2007-Gallery Soyut - ANKARA
2008-Hitit University – International Hittitology Congress – ÇORUM
2009-Gallery Soyut – ANKARA
2010-Berlin Turkish House -GERMANY
2010-EGE University Art Gallery- IZMIR
2010-ICHEL Art Club -MERSIN
2011-Gallery Abstract -ANKARA
2011-Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nakhchivan Art Gallery-NAKHCHIVAN
2013-Gallery Abstract – ANKARA
2014- Fine Arts High School Art Gallery – TRABZON
2014-Sanko Art Gallery- ANTEP
2014-Ziraat Bank Tünel Art Gallery – ISTANBUL
2015-Peker Art Gallery - ANKARA
2016- ITU. Electrical and Electronics Engineering-ISTANBUL
2016-Akdeniz Art Gallery –ANKARA
2018- Doku Art Gallery- ISTANBUL
2019- Emin Antique Art Center ANKARA
2021- Krishna Art Gallery - ANKARA virtual exhibition
2022- Abstract Art Gallery - ANKARA
2024- Yavru Kuş Art Gallery - ANKARA
2024- CUMHURIYET Newspaper Art Gallery ANKARA
Some of the Mixed and Competitive Exhibitions
1994-State Painting Competition
1995-State Painting Competition
1996-State Original Print
2000-State Painting Competition
2000-State Original Print
2001-State Original Print
2001-State Painting Competition
2002-State Original Print
2002-Ministry of Culture Şefik Bursalı Painting Competition
2002-Turgut Pura Foundation Painting Competition
2003-State Original Print
2003-Naval Forces Command Painting Competition
2003-Ministry of Culture Şefik Bursalı Painting Competition
2004-Ministry of Culture Şefik Bursalı Painting Competition
2004-State Painting Competition
2004-Naval Forces Command Painting Competition
2005-TBMM Painting Competition-Ankara
2005-Gallery Akdeniz-Ankara
2005-1.Buca Faculty of Education International Visual Arts Meeting
2005-State Painting Competition
2006-Pharmacists Association 50th Year Painting Competition
2007-“Global Warming” Themed Painting Competition organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry-
2007-United Painters and Sculptors Association BRHD-Exhibitions
2007-Sivas Cumhuriyet University-
2007-State Painting Competition
2007-Ministry of Culture Şefik Bursalı Painting Competition
2008-United Painters and Sculptors Association BRHD-Exhibitions
2008-G&G Art Gallery –Ankara
2009-United Painters and Sculptors Association BRHD-Exhibitions
2009-Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Contemporary Turkish Painting A Section of His Art Exhibition
2010-United Painters and Sculptors Association BRHD-Exhibitions
2011-United Painters and Sculptors Association BRHD-Exhibitions
2012-United Painters and Sculptors Association BRHD-Exhibitions
2013-DYO painting competition
2013-20th National Social Psychiatry Congress Ankara University FAC. OF MEDICINE
2013-Atılım University
2013 Blue Initiative Contemporary Arts Center Anklara
2013-United Painters and Sculptors Association BRHD-Exhibitions
2014-United Painters and Sculptors Association BRHD-Exhibitions
2015-DYO Painting Competition
2015-State Painting Competition
2015-Association for Supporting Contemporary Life
2015-United Painters and Sculptors Association BRHD-Exhibitions
2015-Ministry of Culture Şefik Bursalı Painting Competition
2016-United Painters and Sculptors Association BRHD-Exhibitions
2016-Small Works Exhibition Gallery Soyut
2016-Ministry of Culture Şefik Bursalı Painting Competition
2017-Painting Exhibition in Memory of Poet Ahmet Telli Nurol Art Gallery
2017United Painters and Sculptors Association BRHD-Exhibitions
2017-Poet Ahmet Telli 70th Year Commemoration Çankaya Municipality Zülfü Livaneli Cultural Center
2017-Small Works Exhibition Gallery Soyut
2018-BRHD Exhibition
1996-Honorable Mention in the painting competition titled “Turkish War of Independence and the Republic” organized by Anıtkabir Association
2001-Achievement Award in the 1st Şefik Bursalı Painting Competition organized by the Ministry of Culture
2006- Special Jury Award in the 6th Şefik Bursalı Painting Competition organized by the Ministry of Culture
2007-Honorable Mention in the Painting Competition titled “Global Warming” organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry
2016-Special Jury Award in the Şefik Bursalı Painting Competition
2022-Biennial İzmir Painting Award
2022-ROTARY Professional Service Award
2005-Çağsav Ankart Plastic Arts Fair Black Pencil Art Gallery
2005-Tüyap Plastic Arts Fair Black Pencil Art Gallery
2005-ArtForum Plastic Arts Fair Black Pencil Art Gallery
2007-ArtForum Plastic Arts Fair Gallery Soyut –Ankara
2012-Artbosphorus Contemporary Art Fair Gallery Soyut - Istanbul
2015- ARTANKARA Fair Doku Art Gallery-Ankara
2016-ARTANKARA Fair Alev Art Gallery-Ankara
2017-ARTANKARA Fair Doku Art Gallery-Istanbul
Some of His Projects
2006-Ministry of Culture and Tourism Turkey is being illustrated by province Project idea and implementation - ANKARA
2007-Ministry of Culture and Tourism Turkey Train Stations are being illustrated - ANKARA
2009- Çorum Municipality Painters meeting - ÇORUM
2011-Amasya Culture and Art Festival-AMASYA
2012-Tepebaşı Municipality Painting Workshop -ESKİŞEHİR
2013-Çankaya Municipality BRHD Painting Workshop Project idea and its realization -ANKARA
2014-Çankaya Municipality BRHD 2nd Painting Workshop- ANKARA
2014- Karatay University Painting Workshop
2014-Çankaya University Painting Workshop
2015- ARTANKARA Fair idea, project design and implementation
2015- Çankırı Karatekin University Painting Workshop- ÇANKIRI
2015- Turkmenistan Horse Festival - TURKMENISTAN
2016-19. TURKSOY Painters meeting- MALATYA
2017- Armada art festival - ANKARA
2019-TURKSOY Painters meeting- KYRGYZSTAN
2019-BARTIN Art Museum Workshop - BARTIN
2020-ABSTRACT GALLERY CoronArt-19 PANDEMIC DIARIES Project idea and implementation -ANKARA
2022- Ministry of Culture and Tourism 1st Capital Culture Road Festival ARTMEYDAN Project organization
2022- Ministry of Culture and Tourism Troy Culture Road Festival 1st ARTMEYDAN Project Organization
2022- Ministry of Culture and Tourism Capital Culture Road Festival 2nd ARTMEYDAN Project organization
2023- Erzurum İspir Municipality painting workshop
2023- Ministry of Culture and Tourism Capital Culture Road Festival 3rd ARTMEYDAN Project organization
2023- Ministry of Culture and Tourism EPHES Culture Road Festival 1st ARTMEYDAN Project organization
2023- Ministry of Culture and Tourism SUMELA Culture Road Festival 1st ARTMEYDAN Project organization
2023- Ministry of Culture and Tourism ANTALYA Culture Road Festival 1st ARTMEYDAN Project organization
2024- Ministry of Culture and Tourism Culture Road Festival in Trabzon, Nevşehir, Ankara, İzmir, Antalya Provinces ARTMEYDAN Project organization
2024- Ministry of Culture and Tourism Culture Road Festival in Nevşehir, Ankara, İzmir, Antalya Provinces YOU DRAW Project organization
2024- Organizing a Catalogued Exhibition of the paintings obtained with the ARTMEYDAN Project in the National Library and Continuously Displaying all the works in Libraries in Turkey through Donations.