Oytun Berktan, who has not lost his connection with music and painting in addition to his works in the fields of architecture and interior design, is presenting us with his "migration and love" themed painting exhibition on the 100th anniversary of the "exchange".

The award-winning architect showcases many different and mixed techniques in his "migration and love" exhibition on the 100th anniversary of the exchange. He carries the richness of expression in his "hand sketches" gained over the years to large-sized canvases.

He gets support from the contrast of black, white and gold tones in his emotional and deep narrative of simple linear forms. This exhibition, where works on paper, canvas, glass and under glass turn into a visual feast, is accompanied by his poem "exchange elegy" and the "LAL" audio recording he performed.

Oytun Berktan, who was last awarded the “best nature house interior design” award by the “Maison Francaises Interior Awards” jury last winter, will give a special concert in the rock hall of the “Chez Galip” Ceramic Gallery in Cappadocia on October 26. The artist-architect, who will also celebrate his birthday with this event, will donate all of his income to the new shelter to be built with the support of volunteers so that the stray animals living in the region can live in a safe and healthy environment.

Source: https://www.medyatava.com/kultur-sanat/oytun-berktandan-mubadelenin-100yilina-ozel-goc-ve-ask-temali-resim-sergisi-397385?sayfa=5