Painter Gülümay Çiraz will present her painting exhibition themed "Ayıntab Bastası", consisting of her works using mixed techniques on canvas, to art lovers at SANKO Art Gallery on February 2, 2024.
Stating that art lovers will discover how feelings and thoughts evolve over time in the exhibition, Gülümay Çiraz said, "We will share the depths of my inner world with art lovers and go on an art journey together."
Explaining that experiences turn into unforgettable memories that enrich his art and allow him to meet different perspectives, Çiraz said: “Art is expected to be derivative. The intensity of our emotions and thoughts eliminates the true reflection of the objects we see. The same idea is expressed in different ways. Temporal differences in emotions and thoughts help us create a balance on the ground. When we interpret what we see at the beginning with the intensity of emotion and thought in later studies, we can see that it displays a much different perspective than its first projection. The concepts of emotion, thought and time in the formation process enable us to reach the whole. The depth of emotion in our world transforms and integrates what we want to express into values independent of us.”
Stating that opening an exhibition in Gaziantep, where he was born and raised, was very meaningful and special for him, Çiraz said, "I can't wait to meet the art lovers of Gaziantep in the magical world of art." The painting exhibition themed "Ayıntab Bastası", which will include 27 works by Gülümay Çiraz, will open at SANKO Art Gallery on Friday, February 2, 2024, at 17.30.
Gülümay Çiraz was born in Gaziantep in 1969. She graduated from Gazi Primary School, Gaziantep Girls' Vocational High School and Gazi University Faculty of Art Education, Graphic Department. She worked as a graphic designer at Gaziyurt Printing House and Packaging. The artist, who shares the magical world of art by teaching visual arts in different provinces of Turkey, has been giving charcoal painting, watercolor, oil painting and acrylic painting training at Çankaya Public Education Center since 2010. "Since art is not only a profession for me, but also a way of life, I continue my work in my workshop in Ankara," said the artist, adding that art; She says that it is a means of expressing feelings and thoughts and means freedom of expression for her. The artist, who participated in many exhibitions at home and abroad such as Greece, Bulgaria, Egypt, TRNC Near East University, Contemporary Arts Museum Painting Workshop, has works in the collections of many institutions and organizations.