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Artwork Location: Türkiye
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Who is Dilek Menteş? (1970-Bartın) She was born in Bartın in 1970. She graduated from Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education, Department of Painting Education in 1992. She opened 33 personal exhibitions, one of which was in Germany. She took part in more than 150 mixed exhibitions, art fairs, and biennials in Turkey and abroad (including America, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Romania, China, Russia, and Hungary). She has 5 awards from various art competitions. She works with a figurative, expressionist, and abstractionist approach in her paintings. She has conducted studies in museums in Vienna, Germany, France, Poland, England, Switzerland, Northern Ireland, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Monaco, and Belgium, and has taken part in various European Union projects. Dilek Menteş, who continues her work in her studio in Bartın, is a member of UNESCO (AİAP) International Plastic Arts Association (UPSD) and United Painters and Sculptors Association (BRHD), Paper Artists Association (KSD). Her works are in many national and international official and private collections. Art Perspective In my painting I based on global warming and climate change; on the basis of symbolic meanings; While I am looking for a special and rich form of expression with hidden written emotions and images in a dream memory that gains an aesthetic or special metaphysical value that I try to describe with fishes, I question the connection between humanity’s destruction of the natural world and the disappearance of memory on the basis of living things in the essence of nature.
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Yusuf Kemal Çankaya
Yusuf Kemal Çankaya