Artwork Location: Türkiye
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Who is Hüseyin Elmas? Combining some images taken from Anatolian cultures with the plastic elements of traditional Turkish arts, Hüseyin Elmas defends the view that the moment should be built on the foundations of the past and carried to the future. Here is the life story of Hüseyin Elmas; He was born in Anamur in 1967. He graduated from Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education, Department of Art Education in 1990. 1991 He was appointed as a Research Assistant at Selçuk University, Faculty of Education, Department of Art Education. At the same University's Social Sciences Institute, Department of Painting Education; He completed his master's degree in 1994 and his doctorate in 1998 with a thesis on "Miniature Effects in Contemporary Turkish Painting" and received the title of "Doctor of Science". 1999 Assistant at Selçuk University, Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts Education, Department of Art Education. Assoc. Dr. He was appointed as a faculty member with the title. 2005 He was appointed as the founding faculty member and department head of the Sculpture and Painting Departments of Selçuk University Faculty of Fine Arts and the vice dean of the same faculty. He continued these duties until 2013 He received the title of Associate Professor in 2008 and Professor in 2013. He served as the dean of Selçuk University Faculty of Fine Arts between 2013 and 2016. In 2020, he was appointed to Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts Education. Combining some images taken from Anatolian cultures with the plastic elements of traditional Turkish arts, Elmas wants to emphasize in his works that the moment should be shaped on the foundations of the past and transferred to the future. Elmas, who has held 27 personal exhibitions to date, participated in more than 500 national and international group art exhibitions. He participated and worked in domestic and international art colonies. Elmas, whose works are in private and official collections and museums, still continues his work in Ankara. PERSONAL PAINTING EXHIBITIONS 1- 1999 State Fine Arts Gallery / Konya 2- 2000 Anamur Cultural Center Art Gallery / Mersin 3- 2003 State Fine Arts Gallery / Konya 4- 2004 Mahfel Mado Art Gallery / Bursa 5- 2005 State Fine Arts Gallery / Nevşehir 6-2005 İdea Culture and Art Center / Konya 7- 2006 Altamira Art Gallery / Mersin 8- 2006 İlayda Art Gallery / Ankara 9- 2007 Art&Life Art Gallery / Istanbul 10- 2009 Altamira Art Gallery Ankart / Ankara 11- 2009 Anamur Mine Art Center / Mersin 12- 2010 İş Bankası Art Gallery / İzmir 13- 2010 Atatürk Art Gallery / Çorum 14- 2011 Vakıfbank Art Gallery / Istanbul 15- 2013 Altamira Art Gallery / Mersin 16- 2013 Medaş Art Gallery / Konya 17- 2014 Akcabat Fine Arts High School / Trabzon 18- 2017 Türe Art Gallery ArtAnkara /Ankara 19- 2017 Güray Museum / Nevşehir 20-2017 Bakraç Art Gallery / Istanbul 21-2018 GaleriM Art Gallery / Ankara 22-2019 GaleriM Art Gallery ArtAnkara/ Ankara 23-2019 Nebiye Elmas Art Gallery / Ayvalık 24-2019 Baku National Art Museum / Azerbaijan 25- 2020 Tuğrul Velidedeoğlu Art Gallery / Ankara 26- 2022 Anamur Hüseyin Elmas Culture Art and Life Center / Mersin 27-2023 Artsan Gallery / Ankara
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