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Artwork Location: Türkiye
Important Note: It is a collector's item. It has been placed on our site at the request of the collector. If you want to buy the work, we would like to help you. If you send your request to with the name and technical specifications of the work, we will contact you with the collector.
Who is Perihan Keki? (1954-Ağrı) Born in Ağrı, Trabzon High School Graduate. Between 2000-2014, she received uninterrupted painting education at Mahir Güven, Ruken Aslan, Orhan Taylan and Selahattin Yıldırım Workshops. Inspired by nature, the artist transfers her impressions to canvas in a figurative, modern or abstract way, also using the photographs she takes. She is a member of the Kadıköy Artists Association and GESAM. She is a member of BİRGRUPİNSAN Art Platform, International Printed Fistan Giyerim, Göçebe Tuvaller Art groups, and participates in their exhibitions and workshops. She has participated in numerous mixed exhibitions and Art Fairs in Turkey and abroad, and has opened five personal exhibitions. The artist is currently producing original works by trying different techniques in her own studio in Istanbul.
İlker Sarı
İlker Sarı
İlker Sarı
Nurten Balaban