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Artwork Location: Türkiye
Important Note: It is a collector's item. It has been placed on our site at the request of the collector. If you want to buy the work, we would like to help you. If you send your request to with the name and technical specifications of the work, we will contact you with the collector.
Who is Servet Tosun? (1986-Kayseri) He was born in Kayseri. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Kayseri. He completed his undergraduate program in the Department of Painting and Crafts Teaching at Sivas Cumhuriyet University in 2010. He was appointed as an art teacher in Siirt the same year. He started his master’s degree in the Department of Painting at Erciyes University, Faculty of Fine Arts in 2020. He currently continues his professional life as an art teacher at Kayseri Fine Arts High School. Art Perspective; Humans have always used art as a tool to become conscious of the most sublime thoughts and goodness in their souls. In order for the soul to reach sublime thoughts and beauties, humans must examine nature and constantly conduct research. The aesthetic expression of the accumulations obtained as a result of research occurs as the artistic expression of the individual. Artistic transmission has varied greatly throughout the history of art, and as a result, artists have managed to express themselves with many art movements. In my works, the main source is humans. As a result of my originality and style experiments, I realized that every path in my paintings leads to people. I felt that the greatest mystery, excitement, silence and sadness were in portraits. The most mysterious aspect of my figurative painting is that portraits, although they do not speak, mysteriously whisper the accumulated story they contain to the other party with their eyes and facial expressions. These whispers are a reflection of the soul. These reflections shed light on my painting. As a result, I find my works more mysterious each time and feel that they shed light on me from their small window. I am living the process of moving towards the light filtering through the window and I am moving towards that path with silent steps…
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