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Artwork Location: Türkiye
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Who is Ufuk İnan? He was born in Adıyaman in 1983. He graduated from Mersin University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting in 2006. He opened his first personal exhibition in 2004 at Mersin University GSF exhibition hall. In the same year, he placed first and received an award in the Pattern and Original Printing Competition organized by Mersin University Plastic Arts Community. He participated in many group exhibitions, workshops and art fairs with his works. In 2009, he completed his non-thesis master's degree in Art Teaching at Mersin University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Fine Arts Education. He has been working as a Visual Arts Teacher at the Ministry of Education since 2011. His works are in many private and public collections. Artistic perspective In the artist's works; He reflected the stuck emotions of people in the overwhelm and rush of modern life by using unique lines and spots, and tried to convey the feelings behind the visible. He strives to create portraits and different compositions by effectively using expressions of emotional complexity. Generally in his works; It tries to reflect the "real" permanent expressions that are essential in the figures and are tried to be hidden. The artist, who thinks that all objects reflect energy, thinks that people reflect this energy much more intensely and expresses this energy with colors. The artist, who produces works other than figures and tries to stick to the pattern, also includes different disciplinary approaches in addition to his acrylic works. Participated in Solo and Group Exhibitions; 2004-MEÜ GSF Exhibition Hall – Pattern Solo Exhibition 2004-Mersin State Painting and Sculpture Museum - Group Exhibition 2004-MEU Plastic Arts Association Pattern and Original Print Competition - 1st Prize 2009-MEU Faculty of Education - Group Exhibition 2019-Sanko & Gaziantep University – Painting Workshop 2020-Turkish Education Foundation Donation Project - Group Exhibition 2021-Art Contact Istanbul - Art Fair 2023-Art Contact Istanbul - Art Fair 2023-Istanbul AKM - One Hundred Percent Coexistence - Group Exhibition 2023-Sanko Art Gallery -Group Exhibition 2023-Eskiiz Art Gallery- Group Exhibition 2024-Ankara Mira Koldaş Art – Solo Exhibition
Hüseyin Macar
İlker Sarı
Muhammet Aliyev
Nurten Balaban