Serpil Özsalman

Who is Serpil Özsalman (Erkanlı) ? (1977 – Ankara)

She was born in 1977 in Ankara and graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Buca Faculty of Education, Department of Painting. Between 2001-2019, she worked as an art teacher.

In 2011, she met original print at the State Paint & Sculpture Museum. She took part in exhibitions abroad. Continues her works at at Izmir Baskıresim Studio at Izmir Tekel Culture Factory.

She uses small creatures and human figures together in her artworks, where the ecosystem emphasizes the “Latent Balance”. She also produces works in monoprint and metal engraving techniques and focuses more on the linoleum print technique. Her works, in which she pushes the limits of the materials by creating unique textures with the scraping and carving equipment she develops, stand out with their depth that is not easy to notice at first glance.

Selected Solo and Group Exhibitions;

-International Print Biennial, VARNA- BULGARIA
-2011- 6. KIWA Woodcut Competition, JAPON
-2014-12.KOCHİ International Triennial Exhibition of Prints- JAPON
-2016- Guangzhou İnternational Exlibrisand Mini -Prints Biennial- CHINESE
-2018- Exhiport-FRANCE
-20023- The losif Iser İnternational Contemporary Engraving Biennial Exhibition Prahova- ROMANYA
-2020- ART ANKARA 6 TH Art Fair
-2022- Uşak International Ex-libris Competition-TURKEY
-2023- Year of the Rabbit Panda Global International Commemorative Ex-libris Desing Competition- CHINESE
-2024- Sound of Turkish Printmaking Desing Festa Gallery Shibaya -TOKYO
-2022- Uşak İnternational Ex-libris Compatition TURKEY
-2020- International Virtual Engravist Printmaking Bianel TURKEY
-2024- Antika Mask Fuarı Antakya Exhibition Council 1st Prize

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