The first temporary exhibition of the Türkiye İş Bankası Painting and Sculpture Museum, 'Picture of Istanbul', brings together art lovers on two separate floors with Istanbul-themed paintings from the bank's collection, from the Anatolian and European sides, while revealing the perspective of Istanbul through the eyes of an artist.

The first temporary exhibition of the Türkiye İş Bankası Painting and Sculpture Museum, 'Picture of Istanbul', brings together art lovers on two separate floors with Istanbul-themed paintings from the bank's collection, from the Anatolian and European sides, while revealing the perspective of Istanbul through the eyes of an artist.
The Türkiye İş Bankası Painting and Sculpture Museum, opened by Türkiye İş Bankası as a gift to Turkey on the 100th anniversary of the Republic, hosts a rich selection from the bank's Art Collection, which consists of around 2,700 works. The museum, which is under the roof of İş Sanat, which operates in many areas from music to plastic arts, from museums to cultural heritage protection, adds an important milestone to Turkey's culture and art route.
The first temporary exhibition of the museum on İstiklal Street in Beyoğlu, Istanbul's Picture, brings together the Anatolian and European sides with Istanbul-themed paintings from the bank's collection on two separate floors, while revealing the perspective of Istanbul through the artist's eyes.

Prof. Dr. Gül İrepoğlu, the founding curator of the Türkiye İş Bankası Painting and Sculpture Museum, explained the route drawn in the exhibition as follows: "In this exhibition, where you will tour Istanbul step by step accompanied by works, your journey begins from the Historical Peninsula. You pass the Galata Bridge, gaze at the Golden Horn and head towards the Bosphorus. You proceed up the Bosphorus coast by coast with the paintings and then cross over to the Anatolian Side as if on an imaginary ferry. This time, your journey in the exact opposite direction on the Bosphorus takes you to Üsküdar, Kızkulesi and Haydarpaşa. During this journey that ends in the Islands, you visit the districts of Istanbul one by one, sometimes looking down from the hills, sometimes going down to the shores and with the impressions reflected on the canvas." The works, which are mostly visual documents of mid-20th century Istanbul, also bring art lovers together with unique layers of Istanbul such as its flowers, boats, streets or seasons.

"Istanbul's light is reflected in the paintings"
Prof. Dr. İrepoğlu, who also prepared the exhibition book containing nearly 300 Istanbul landscapes for publication, stated that this magical geography and city that unites two seas and separates two continents has a deep spirit and history.

İrepoğlu, who spoke about the exhibition as follows, "There are two feelings that stand out in the paintings; the first is the love and passion the painters feel for the city, and the second is the desire to capture and portray the light of Istanbul. In the book, I tried to tell Istanbul not only with paintings but also with photographs, films and poems. I made quotes from travelers. Landscapes are also important visual documents for Istanbul, and Istanbul paintings are very valuable in this respect," emphasized that they aimed to convey this spirit carried to canvases by the artists to the reader and make it permanent with the exhibition book. Prof. Dr. İrepoğlu said, "On your exhibition journey, you are accompanied not only by the paintings of painters who have managed to capture the unique light of this city, but also by the verses of poets."
The stories of the works are on İş Sanat's social media channel
İş Sanat shares the stories of the works in the Türkiye İş Bankası Painting and Sculpture Museum with art lovers in a new video series called 'No. 144'ün İnhabitants': From İbrahim Çallı's 'The Woman Smelling Roses' to Halil Paşa's 'Kotralar', from Sami Yetik's 'Peonies and Lilacs in a Vase' to Feyhaman Duran's 'Girl with Blue Trousers', many works in the museum's permanent and temporary exhibitions can be accessed on İş Sanat's Youtube channel.
