Tülin Demir

Who is Tülin Demir? (1957- Niksar)

1957 – Born in Tokat, Niksar. She completed primary and secondary school in Niksar.
1974 – Graduated from Amasya Girls Teachers School.
1977 – Graduated from Samsun Education Institute, Department of Painting.
1986 – Completed her undergraduate degree from Gazi University, Faculty of Education, Department of Painting.
2017 – Retired from TED Ankara College.
The trees in her hometown, where she was born and spent her childhood, first decorated the artist’s games and then her paintings. The artist, who sadly watches the deterioration in nature, transfers nature to her canvases as untouched as she wants to see it.
The artist, who has opened 19 solo exhibitions and participated in many group exhibitions, has her works in private collections in Turkey and abroad.
She currently continues her work in her own studio.

Art Perspective;
Author: Çerkes Karadağ / Painter

The Abstract Adventure of Landscapes
I have been distant from Tülin Demir’s works since her miniature-like landscapes in her previous exhibitions, but I didn’t find it strange at all that she radically changed her paintings and put an abstract shirt on them, just like a river that never leaves its own bed. Because I understood better from this exhibition that the adventure of painting never skidded and continued on its way with a determined course. Of course, there are many understandable reasons why Tülin Demir, who focuses on nature and especially waterfalls, uses a form that crystallizes clear waters and related pieces of nature. It is not very difficult to understand why Tülin, who especially transforms nature into an identity and personality show, makes the trees she is passionately attached to a part of this identity. In fact, I must say that it is not easy for the brush technique that makes her paintings transparent to take us to a position between reality and fantasy. Because in this exhibition, Tülin not only encourages us to look at nature from the crystal mirrors of her inner world, but also informs us of both her own fragility and the different sparkles of her pictorial passion in the broken mirrors that gradually turn into crystals.

While Tülin's paintings sing the praises of objective forms of nature abstracted into an innocent visuality, she also reveals a meticulousness that refers to the real world with these paintings, which are the products of the searches she makes her hunger felt. Tülin's original landscapes present both unnatural realities as if they were real, and nature in its own reality and together.

Author: Bünyamin Balamir / Painter
Our self is shaped in the formation of an adventure that begins suddenly. And years pass. Most of us go to the lost time, questioning the formations we have formed.
Tülin Demir also reaches out to the past with her paintings. She searches for her childhood in the trees, the trees she climbs from the fantastic dreams of nature. She wants to stop the flowing time in between. She presents consistent and conscious academic interpretations of objective facts, all the theories and rules of painting, as sincerely as a child, as excited as a child, and masterfully to people...
Tülin Demir writes a tale with colors and brings us all together with the emotionally charged, clean memories of our childhood.

Author: Adem Genç / Painter
In nature (nature) with its own rules of existence or in the physical material world we live in, everything - mountains, rocks, forests and trees - has its own structural integrity, aesthetics and characteristics that are fundamental to its evolutionary existence, and has been a material for art and literature, human thought and vision throughout history. Tülin Aytaç Demir creates an awareness in this context with her own unique and analytical approach, while also revealing the dramatic characteristics of the natural. Unlike the generally familiar tree and plant paintings, Tülin does not want to interfere with the proportional integrity that is fundamental to the structural formation of nature with her own detail and observation skills. She can think like a philosopher or naturalist that the identity given to humans is not withheld from nature; from nature, trees and plants. She knows that abstracting them, transforming them into conventional forms, stylistics and template expressions is against the principle of respect for art and nature. I think it is not right to see Tülin's principled behavior and method approach as a kind of "Pleiades" group open-air painting. Indeed, the basic fact behind this meticulousness of the artist, which can be an alternative to the realism in the paintings of Şeker Ahmet Pasha, an Ottoman/Turkish painter who studied Western painting techniques in Paris and was influenced by Courbet, the pioneer of the Realism movement, is not daylight like the "Barbizons", but respect for nature or human thought and orientations that are integrated with nature.

Solo Exhibitions:
2000 National Lottery Lucky Bird Art Gallery
2001 Halkbank Art Gallery
2003 Gözde Art Gallery (Ankara)
2005 Gözde Art Gallery
2006 Ankara Art Fair (Artforum)
2007 Ankara Art Fair (Artforum)
2007 Ankara Kale Festival
2008 Gözde Art Gallery
2010 Gözde Art Gallery
2011 Ziraat Bankası Tünel Art Gallery (Istanbul)
2012 Gözde Art Gallery
2012 Sanko Art Gallery (Gaziantep)
2014 State Fine Arts Gallery (Eskişehir)
2015 Gözde Art Gallery
2017 Gözde Art Gallery
2018 Vakıfbank Art Gallery (Istanbul)
2019 ArtAnkara International Contemporary Art Fair
2022 Bilkent Center Art Gallery RC Art (Ankara)
2023 Sevgi Art Gallery (Ankara)

Some Workshops Participated:
2008 Side Köprülü Canyon Workshop
2010 Çorum Painters Meeting Workshop and Exhibition
2015 Eskişehir Tepebaşı Municipality Workshop
2019 Bodrum Yalıkavak Art Suites Gallery Workshop
2019 Cide Painters Meeting

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